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Using NLPExplainer

NLPExplainer is the simplest way to create explanations from your text model and data. It supports Huggingface, PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras models. Import the NLPExplainer with:

from truera.client.nn.explain import NLPExplainer


The simplest way to use the NLPExplainer is to pass your model, tokenizer, and other set_model() arguments into the NLPExplainer constructor. See the examples below using HuggingFace (PyTorch) and Tensorflow models.

Huggingface (PyTorch)

Huggingface models are supported right out of the box. Just pass in the model and tokenizer to the NLPExplainer constructor. We can pass the model and tokenizer into the NLPExplainer constructor and call NLPExplainer.explain() to retrieve explanations in the form of a pandas DataFrame.

import transformers

tokenizer = transformers.DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-uncased")
model = transformers.DistilBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
explainer = NLPExplainer(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
explanation = explainer.explain("I love this movie!")

Tensorflow 2

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_text
import tensorflow_hub as hub

Here, we define a BERT-style Tensorflow 2 model and Tokenizer using Tensorflow Hub and Keras.

def get_bert_model(n_classes: int = 2):
    text_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(), dtype=tf.string)
    preprocessor = hub.KerasLayer(
    encoder_inputs = preprocessor(text_input)
    encoder = hub.KerasLayer(
    pooled_output = encoder(encoder_inputs)["pooled_output"]      # [batch_size, 512].
    output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(n_classes)(pooled_output)
    softmax = tf.keras.layers.Softmax(axis=-1)(output)
    return tf.keras.Model(text_input, softmax)

def get_bert_tokenizer():
    text_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(), dtype=tf.string)
    preprocessor = hub.KerasLayer(
    tokenizer_output = preprocessor(text_input)    
    return tf.keras.Model(text_input, tokenizer_output)
tf_bert = get_bert_model()
tf_bert_tokenizer = get_bert_tokenizer()

Wrapping the model in trulens.nn.models.get_model_wrapper() and calling print_layer_names() lists all referenceable operations that can be used to configure the NLPExplainer.

from trulens.nn.models import get_model_wrapper
w = get_model_wrapper(tf_bert)

Ingesting this model requires providing the model, tokenizer, the word embedding layer, and sequence length parameters to the NLPExplainer.

To find out what the required parameters are for your use case, see Debugging NLPExplainer

from truera.client.nn.explain import NLPExplainer

explainer = NLPExplainer()
explanation = explainer.explain("I love this movie!")

Debugging NLPExplainer

The NLPExplainer is compatible across some of the most popular NLP architectures, frameworks, and implementations. Where possible, NLPExplainer will attempt to infer argument values from other user inputs to simplify the ingestion process. When the inference fails, the NLPExplainer provides tips on how to best resolve issues.

from truera.client.nn.explain import NLPExplainer

explainer = NLPExplainer(

Running the quickstart above without the token_embeddings_layer attribute will throw the following error due to missing parameters.

TypeError: Failed all `set_model` definitions. Given arguments:

        model:  str

    FAILURE: Exception .../truera/client/nn/wrappers/ Exception(f"Could not infer optional arguments.")
            Could not infer optional arguments.  File ".../truera/client/util/", line 353, in __call__
            bindings = sig_bind(

          File ".../truera/client/util/", line 198, in sig_bind
            acc, bindings = hook(acc=acc, func=func, sig=sig, bindings=bindings)

          File ".../truera/client/nn/wrappers/", line 186, in hook
            raise Exception(f"Could not infer optional arguments.") P(token_embeddings_layer:str)
    .../truera/client/nn/wrappers/ failed ❌
WARNING: optional parameter P(text_to_spans:Function) could not be inferred. Will use default value `None`.

🚨 NOTE: You may be able to resolve some of these issues by adding the following arguments to set_model(). Replace the sample values your own:

from truera.client.nn.explain import NLPExplainer
e = NLPExplainer()

# Define missing sample arguments used in set_model 
# token_embeddings_layer represents the name of the layer where token embeddings are computed
token_embeddings_layer = 'embedding' # TODO: Replace me

# Call set_model

The code below provides additional context around what missing information needs to be provided and how it should be added to the NLPExplainer.

To resolve the error, add token_embeddings_layer to the function call.

from truera.client.nn.explain import NLPExplainer

explainer = NLPExplainer()

Callable Methods

For advanced configuration, NLPExplainer has four primary methods:

You can learn about each method through their __doc__ attribute.


Method: set_model()

Used to specify a model and related model arguments used for generating explanations.

Common Arguments

Name Required Type Description Default
model Varies (see signatures below) The model object to explain
tokenizer Varies (see signatures below) The tokenizer object
model_name str The model name for a managed truera workspace.
token_embeddings_layer str The model layer where token embeddings are computed.
token_embeddings_anchor str The side of token_embeddings_layer where token embeddings are computed. Must be either out or in. out
output_layer str The model layer from which a quantity of interest is defined.
output_anchor str The side of output_layer where the output is calculated. Must be either out or in. out
n_output_neurons int Number of neurons in the output layer.
n_embeddings int The number of dimensions in a token embedding vector.
n_tokens int The number of tokens accepted by a model.
score_type str The score type for your model. Must be one of (probits, logits, regression, classification). probits
classification_threshold float Threshold for binary classifiers. Must be between [0, 1] .5
vocab dict[str, int] A mapping of tokens (str) to token IDs (int). This may be inferrable from some tokenizers.
unk_token_id int The ID of the token used to represent unknown/out of vocabulary tokenizations.
pad_token_id int The ID of the padding token.
special_tokens list[int] A list of 'special' tokens that should not be considered when computing influences. This may include, PAD, SOS, EOS, UNK, etc.

Valid Signatures

This method is an overloaded function with multiple valid signatures, depending on which framework is being used.

Wrap a HuggingFace Torch model

    token_embeddings_layer: str,
    token_embeddings_anchor: LayerAnchor,
    output_layer: str,
    output_anchor: LayerAnchor,
    n_output_neurons: int,
    n_embeddings: int,
    n_tokens: int,
    model_name: str,
    vocab: Dict,
    unk_token_id: int,
    pad_token_id: int,
    special_tokens: List,
    get_model: Function,
    eval_model: Function,
    text_to_inputs: Function,
    text_to_token_ids: Function,
    text_to_spans: Function,
    score_Type: str,
    classification_threshold: float
) -> str

Wrap a PyTorch Module

    model: Module,
    token_embeddings_layer: str,
    token_embeddings_anchor: Union[LayerAnchor, str],
    output_layer: str,
    output_anchor: Union[LayerAnchor, str],
    n_output_neurons: int,
    n_embeddings: int,
    n_tokens: int,
    model_name: str,
    vocab: Dict,
    unk_token_id: int,
    pad_token_id: int,
    special_tokens: List,
    get_model: Function,
    eval_model: Function,
    text_to_inputs: Function,
    text_to_token_ids: Function,
    text_to_spans: Function,
    score_Type: str,
    classification_threshold: float
) -> str

Wrap a Tensorflow 2 Model

    vocab: Dict,
    unk_token: int,
    pad_token: int,
    text_to_inputs: Function,
    text_to_token_ids: Function,
    text_to_spans: Function,
    get_model: Function,
    eval_model: Function,
    special_tokens: List,
    token_embeddings_layer: str,
    token_embeddings_anchor: Union[LayerAnchor, str],
    output_layer: str,
    output_anchor: Union[LayerAnchor, str],
    n_output_neurons: int,
    model_name: str,
    n_embeddings: int,
    n_tokens: int,
    score_Type: str
) -> str

Method: set_data()

Specify data to be explained.

Common Arguments

Name Required Type Description Default
data_split_name str Data split name for managed truera workspace.
data Varies (see signatures below) Source of data. Additional arguments may be necessary.
label/label_field Varies (see signatures below) Source of labels (if not part of data)
metadata Varies (see signatures below) Source of metadata (if any)

Valid Signatures

Load a single string

    data: str,
    label: int,
    data_split_name: str
) -> str

Load instances from a pandas DataFrame — the given DataFrame must contain text inputs; labels are optional.

    data: pd.DataFrame,
    text_field: str,
    label_field: str,
    meta_fields: Sequence,
    data_split_name: str
) -> str

Load instances from a PyTorch DataLoader — assumes wrapped dataset is a mapping from column names to iterables of text and labels.

    text_field: str,
    label_field: str,
    meta_fields: Sequence,
    data_split_name: str
) -> str

Load instances from an Iterable

    data: Sequence,
    labels: Sequence,
    metadata: DataFrame,
    data_split_name: str
) -> str

Load instances from a lazy Iterable (e.g., Generators)

    data: Iterable,
    labels: Iterable,
    metadata: DataFrame,
    data_split_name: str
) -> str

Method: config()

Set explanation parameters, controlling its quality, among other options.


Name Required Type Description Default
rebatch_size int The number of instances to send to a model at once. May result in out-of-memory error if set too large.
ref_token str A semantically 'neutral' token used for generating baselines for influences.
resolution int Baseline-to-instance interpolation resolution. Higher produces more accurate influences, but takes longer to compute. 16
n_metrics_records int The number of records in the metrics dataset. 128
use_training_mode bool Use training mode when computing gradients. False

Method: explain()

Produce an explanation. The data to explain must be specified via data kwarg or by a prior set_data() call.


Name Required Type Description Default
data One of str, list[str], pd.DataFrame Data to explain. Can also be provided via a prior call to set_data. None
token_type str Determines the level of granularity for the explanations computed. Can be "token" or "word". word
verify bool If True, runs validation on provided arguments. True

Returns pd.DataFrame — a pandas DataFrame consisting of explanations for each token along with additional record information.